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Old Mar 02, 2010, 07:30 PM // 19:30   #1
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Jan 2010
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Default TGoTL is recruiting


TGoTL-Alliance is governed by a panel of elected people. This Panel or Senior team consist of a Alliance Leader,
2 Co-Leaders, 3 Alliance LTs, and 10 Guild Leaders. The role of this Team is to help develop the communication
plan for the Alliance. This includes development and maintenance of public relations, media materials, and web presence,
coordinating public relations activities and special events to promote the association image, and developing and promoting
the image of the Alliance as a whole.


Alliance Leader: The Alliance Leader (AL) is the chief executive officer for the club. The primary responsibilities of this role involve the general supervision and operation of the club.The Alliance Leader presides at club meetings and directs the club in meeting the members' needs for growth and leadership. In cooperation with the other officers, the Alliance Leader establishes long-term and short-term goals for the club.

Co-Leaders: The Co-Leader (Co-L)is a executive officer for the Alliance and, as so, manages the creation and maintenance of the club's image.CO-Leader is a role responsible for semi-weekly Alliance reports to the AL.

Alliance LTs: The Alliance LTs (LTs) plan, organize, and implement meetings and events to include speeches, modules, and other events sufficient to meet both individual and club objectives. They are responsible for semi-weekly reports to the Co-Leaders.

GUild Leaders:The Guild Leaders (GL) plan, organize, and implement a continuous effort to ensure that guild membership remains above charter strength (50 members). This is accomplished both by retaining current members,and by gaining new members. The GL is responsible for the semi-weekly reports to The Alliance LTs.

Officers: Each of the officers in TGoTL-Alliance has certain responsibilities to fulfill in supporting the club and its members. There are several officer positions within This Alliance both to spread the workload fairly and to expand the leadership opportunities for members.Filling an officer role does not mean that you are required to do the job alone. Being an officer simply means that you are responsible for ensuring that the job gets done. As an officer, you are allowed -- indeed, encouraged -- to ask other member of the Alliance to help you fulfill your duties.

TGoTL-Alliance Organizational Goals...

1. To cultivate and maintain “The Ultimate Gaming Experience” for our members by fostering the strong essence of teamwork, partnering, friendliness,and assistance to our members and affiliated allies.

2. To create and maintain a guild that holds a broad focus and commitment upon all areas of the game. We will not be strictly PvP, or PvE, or a Faction Farming Alliance , but rather one that will be committed to become a multi-fascetted guild composed of experts in all areas, and in turn we wish to serve the needs of all interest groups that play.

3. We wish to establish a working organizational government composed of a Committee Panel of Execs or Officers that will debate the issues of resolve, and through majority vote upon concensus, the panel will make decisions, set policy and stear the direction of the guild. Further, this Board will be responsible to maintain progress toward fulfillment of our goals. When roadblocks stifle progress, this board will be expected to seek solutions as a unified body and then execute them accordingly

4. As an organization, we will inspire our members through interactive play. We will create numerous interactive programs and regularly schedule eventsthat will foster group activity. Such events will be farming runs, assistance and training sessions, battle teams, group exploration runs. Such group interactive involvements will be conducted through announced scheduling of dates and times on our website. Such interactive programs will extend the game enjoyment for all involved.

5. TGoTL-Alliance will create and maintain a Guild Mule Account that will serve as a Alliance depository for gold, weapons and materials or other donations for alliance events helds by verious guilds in the alliance. Such assets will be held securely, And the dispersement of such resources will be controlled by the collective decision of the Officers.

6. As a gaming organization we are committed to maintaining FUN in our play. All that we do as a club should involve fun as a prerequisite of action. If or whenever FUN isn’t presented in our activities, such activities should be re-evaluated.

Established Rules For The Greatest of the Legends and TGoTL-Alliance...

While we dont wish to complicate anyone's play, it is important to openly state some generalized rules of conduct for all allies to conform to. These rules are adopted from the commonly accepted set of rules which governed many larged based alliances, so no one should be surprised. In general, our rules pertain to all forms of communication between ally members, and specifically upon use of the ally chatbox function.

1...Conduct yourself politely and professionally, and show your allies respect at all times.

2...No hate talk or rascism should be broadcast in any open channel or forum.

3...Spamming upon the ally channel is absolutely prohibitted.

4...If offering items for sale or purchase over ally chat, shout once or twice, then drop it if no one responds. Over-repetitive attempts will be considered spamming.

5...While a considerable degree of latitude is accepted with respect to profanity, extreme examples of profanity are prohibitted. No F-bombs are allowed, nor is blatant sexual commentary or Sexual harassment of any sex; Racial remarks or remarks against someones nationality is prohibited. Use good judgement.

6...Guild hopping of any member is prohibittted throughout the alliance, unless all involved guild leaders and parties are in full agreement with the change in advance of the move(s).

7...The guild The Greatest of the Legends will by policy drop inactive members automatically when members reach inactivity of 2weeks time, with one procedural exception standing. Any member who requires an absence that would be at or exceeding 2 weeks must notify us of their intended absence in order to have their
membership sustained throughout their period of extended inactivity. Such notice can be given through verbal contact on ventrillo, text type on GW chat box,or by PM or post supplanted through our website.

Rules of Officership For The Guild Known As The Greatest of The Legends...

In order for a member to be qualified for acceptance to our Officer's Board, or further, for any Officer to maintain their status as an Officer, the following rules apply and are in addition to the general rules for guild membership:

1...Member must achieve development of at least 1 PVE character TGoTl-Allianceto obtain level 20 and ascended.

2...Member must register and frequent our guild's website on a regular basis.

3...Member must be registered as a user of our ventrillo voice server and maintain a working capability of use.

4...Member must maintain an activity on Guild Wars as under 5 days, unless notice of inactivity is offered upon extended inactivity.

5...Member must exemplify leadership qualities, a willingness to help others and hold an obvious and long-term dedication to the Guild.

Upon obtainment of these conditions, any candidate for Officership may be promoted upon an affirmative majority vote by the Officer's Board.

To Date, this sums up our list of rules.

What we have to offer:

* A Core Group of Professionals--most of us in the Guild have been playing for 3+ years.

* Regularly scheduled runs of(Before Nerf) DTSC, UWSC, FOWSC, SoOSC, VSF,Urgoz and Events weekly.

* VENT--we offer access to a large vent server. Moreover, we encourage everyone to use our vent, as it is shown too effect communication between guilds and alliance memebers more easily.

* WEBSITE--our forums are owned and ran by us. Any new guilds that sign up will get their own section to post Guild events etc.
If you want your own URL, we can accomodate you.

* We are North American based and Kurzick aligned, But we have many europeans and other with us.

If you think you or your Guild maybe game for an alliance of this nature, plz feel free to pm me here or ingame (IGN: Hellick Stoner, Hellick Bongtoker)

Last edited by e4sykill; Mar 07, 2010 at 04:58 PM // 16:58..
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